Tutorials & FAQs

Here we will be adding tutorials on how to put mods together, either by writing up a little blurb ourselves or if we find a handy youtube link to help and not only on mods but things like bom etc too.


Q: Why are your skins pg? I would like a adult skin!

A: A lot of mesh bodies have slightly different variants on where certain items are placed upon their bodies and thus we can't guarantee adding mature areas on skins would look right on your preferred body, there for it is easier for you to find some bom appliers for these - Okaie Mod Store for example offers excellent bom ones for Maitreya in various shades plus tintable.

We will update this section as we find/discover bom adult areas to suit bodies. 


KzK Husky v3 


KzK Lyrekhet 


DSD Rabbit v1 Tail 

